I'm a twenty-something Texas native, recent grad [from college (B.A. in Economics with History and Art minors) ...not high school] . I love eating chocolate, taking photos, ballroom dancing, reading books, baking, yoga, Oxford commas, and Harry Potter.
I have moments of indecision (a well known trait of Libras) that punctuate my generally opinionated personality. So, if you were wondering, it is never a good idea to ask me where to have dinner (too many choices).
I intend to make this blog a catalog of my opinions and experiences involving important philosophical questions such as: What if I found a needle in a haystack? Have you heard any cool songs lately? Is it really possible to make that cute craft from Pinterest? Do these shoes go with this outfit? or What should i have for breakfast?
Other ways to pick my brain:
~ Listening to my 8tracks playlists here
~ Pouring over my Pinterest boards here
~Chuckling at my Yelp! reviews here
~Follow my Twitter stream here {@NotAThriftStore}
~Google+ Pages +This is Not a Thrift Store
Or be professional about it, and network with me on LinkedIn
A few other basic traits:
Blood type: A+
Myers-Brigg: ENFP
Enneagram: Type 4
Sun Sign: Libra